上市公司 500-1000人 制药/生物工程 贸易/进出口
上市公司 500-1000人 制药/生物工程 贸易/进出口
中国青岛鲸灵海洋科技有限公司.鲸灵公司已通过ISO9001:2008质量管理体系认证、ISO14001国际环境管理体系认证、IMO欧盟有机认证;具有自营进出口权;现拥有一百多个农化产品,是2008奥帆赛无公害蔬菜基地首选肥料产品。 中国青岛鲸灵海洋科技有限公司农化产品成立于2006年7月,生产基地中国青岛市城阳区河套工业园(鲸灵产业园),占地面积100000平方米,固定资产5000万,流动资金过亿元,主要生产设备120台,现有职工200—300人,其中农艺师15人,5名博士生导师。公司目前已获得农业部海藻酸、甲壳素、大量元素等肥料登记证件15个以上。中国青岛鲸灵海洋科技有限公司是集生产研发为一体的综合性企业,研究开发的海藻酸产品和壳聚糖产品以出口为主。现销售额过亿元。中国青岛鲸灵海洋科技有限公司属国家定点肥料生产企业,主要生产:海藻酸、甲壳素原料及成品,(医用级、食品级、农用级三大系列),国内销售海藻酸、甲壳素、大量元素等系列冲施肥、叶面肥(粉剂和液体)。公司目前的农化产品“金悍美”"海狮牌"系列海藻肥产品效果显著,畅销国内二十几个省、市、自治区;远销韩国、台湾、意大利、马来西亚、德国、荷兰、印度、日本等亚洲、欧洲、美洲等发达国家及地区。全力打造亚洲最影响力、最专业的海藻肥、甲壳素生产企业,成为国际上海洋生物工程领域的一流品牌企业,为世界绿色农业的发展及人类的健康做出更大贡献!“科技强”--------鲸灵以强大的资金和技术实力,在海藻酸、甲壳素原料等方面大力研发。“生产强”--------鲸灵现拥有高科技生产流水线。“销售强”--------鲸灵以“科技营销”为指导思想,现已有一支拥有植保专业知识和营销专业知识装备头脑的销售团队。并且随时欢迎有识之士的加盟。“服务强”------服务不是口号,而是落在一个电话,一句问候上的任何一个细节,鲸灵服务,强调的是细节服务。中国青岛鲸灵海洋科技有限公司秉承科技强、生产强、销售强、服务强的经营理念欢迎各届有志之士的加盟 Our group is comprised by four companies: China Qingdao Jingling Ocean Technology Co., Ltd., Qingdao Surge Marine Biotechnology Ltd., Might brand Plant Protection Technology Co., Ltd., Meisheng Health and biochemistry Ltd.China Qingdao Jingling Ocean Technology Co., Ltd. has passed :ISO9001: 2008 quality management system certification, ISO14001 international environmental management system certification, IMO EU organic Certification; import and export right; now has more than one hundred agricultural products, is the 2008 Olympic Sailing Regatta vegetable bases preferred fertilizer products.China Qingdao Jingling Ocean Technology Co., Ltd. was established in July 2006, located in Hetao Industrial park Chengyang (whale spirits industry Park), covering an area of 100,000 square meters, fixed assets of 50 million, floating capital over 100 million; has more than 120 sets of the main production equipment, 200-300 employees - including agronomists 15, 5 doctoral tutor. Currently the company has obtained over 15 fertilizer registration certifications of Ministry of Agriculture, such as Seaweed Acid, chitosan, and so on.China Qingdao Jingling Ocean Technology Co., Ltd is an integrated enterprise of R&D, researching and developing the Seaweed and Chitosan products (export-oriented). Cash sales value is over billion. China Qingdao Jingling is a national sentinel fertilizer production enterprise, the main production: Seaweed, Chitosan, raw materials and finished products (Medical Grade, food grade, agricultural grade); the domestic market sales for Seaweed fertilizer, chitosan,, Macro -elements, and Seaweed Fertilizer Mushy state and Liquid state.The agriculture products—“ Sea lion” and “Kinghami” brand seaweed series fertilizers have got the marked effect, which are popular by more than 20 provinces, cities and regions domestically and sell well in Korea, Taiwan area, Italy, Malaysia, Germany, the Netherlands, India, and Japan, as well as other developed countries and regions in Europe and America. With strong effort, we plan to be the strongest and most professional seaweed fertilizer production-base and try to be the top-grade enterprise in the marine engineering internationally. We do our best for the development of worldwide green agriculture and human health."With a Strong science and technology"-------- has a strong capability of financial and technical strength to research and development the alginate, chitosan material."With a strong ability of production "-------- has high-tech production lines."With a good sale "--------" science and technology marketing is as the guiding ideology, having a team with expertise in plant protection equipment and marketing expertise. Men with insight are always welcomed to join in."With a good service"------ service is not a only a world, but a greeting to any one detail. Jingling service can be emphasized as details of the serviceAdhering to the Science and Technology, China Qingdao Jingling Ocean Technology Co., Ltd welcome people by strong production, strong service philosophy and strong sales lofty ideals to join us.